Dump Truck Desktop v1.1: Performance Upgrades
TODO ?>We are proud to announce that Dump Truck Desktop for both Windows and Mac has been updated to version 1.1! In this version you will find significantly improved performance, memory handling and network usage.
To upgrade, just click on the Dump Truck logo in the Windows task bar or the OSX menu bar and click on “Update available”. If your version of the app doesn’t report that an update is available, you can download the latest version of Dump Truck desktop here and install it yourself.
The Dump Truck development team is very proud of this release. It has many great improvements over our original 1.0 release. We are excited for you to experience the improvements described below!
Smarter Synchronization Algorithms
The 1.1 release includes smarter synchronization algorithms to minimize how much data we have to read. This saves disk read time and also saves your CPU from doing expensive calculations.
Memory Optimizations
Our original release was unexpectedly unfriendly when uploading large files. If your Internet connection was slow enough, your system would consume too much memory. If the file was large enough, it could cause the synchronization application to unexpectedly terminate. The 1.1 release has fixed this issue by optimizing memory consumption to keep the synchronization process under more reasonable constraints.
More Equitable Sharing of Network Resources
The 1.0 release would allow a single large upload or download to dominate the network connections thereby essentially starving other applications. As you would expect, v1.1 has addressed this issue and now assigns network resources in a more equitable manner ensuring that all operations get equal chance to use the network. Customers on slower networks may have experienced issues of files never synchronizing because the engine kept resetting – this fixes that scenario by eliminating those timeouts.
Improved Messaging and Notifications
Version 1.1 provides clearer messaging about what the synchronization engine is doing. We tell you when we are attempting to establish a connection with the server, scanning for changes, and several other interesting and more detailed states. You should be able to look at the state provided in the menu and have better information as to “what is going on”.
Improved File Timestamp Management
We now synchronize the last modified timestamp on the files we upload and download. This will ensure that the original modification timestamp of your files are preserved across all of your systems.
We hope you enjoy the improved performance of the 1.1 release. If you have product ideas or feature suggestions for the Dump Truck please share it with us at https://ideas.vyprvpn.com.
If you don’t have a Dump Truck account yet, sign up for a free 5GB account today.
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